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Aug 01 2013

Tanzania’s Bold Answer to the Global Land Rush

August 1, 2013 — In an effort to ensure that Tanzania’s people benefit from the global land rush, the government is creating an ambitious and very elaborate system whereby investors would, in return for land, give Tanzania some share of ownership in the investing company. Landesa was asked to analyze the plan.

We’ve provided recommendations to the government of Tanzania on how they might improve the system they’re creating and what other systems might be worth considering.

Tanzania is of particular interest to investors given its proximity to Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, its relatively developed infrastructure, good soils, and stable government. Like countries across Africa, Tanzania has been approached by many investors with offers to buy or lease tens of thousands of acres of their land.

Tanzania’s plan shows how many countries are struggling to find good models and adopting innovative approaches that guarantee benefits for locals.

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