New self-paced online course for NGOs, CSOs, researchers, and other practitioners working on issues of land, natural resources, and agriculture to deepen skillsets and explore best practices for responsible investment in land.
Learn more about Our Work in Uganda.
New self-paced online course for NGOs, CSOs, researchers, and other practitioners working on issues of land, natural resources, and agriculture to deepen skillsets and explore best practices for responsible investment in land.
A 6-module course for practitioners working on issues of land, natural resources, and agriculture to deepen skillsets and engage in online discussions with peers to explore best practices for responsible investment in land.
Landesa receives historic gift from MacKenzie Scott; Stand for Her Land convenes in Africa; Over $300k raised at Seed the Change; We’re hiring!
New blogs from Shipra Deo and Tizai Mauto; Join us at Seed the Change; Stand for Her Land launches in Africa; SPEC John Kerry will speak at Landesa event.
Nairobi, 8 March 2022— Leaders and campaigners from across the world today launched Stand for Her Land in Africa, a global advocacy campaign for women’s land rights. The launch, on International Women’s Day, will link African grassroots organizations with national actors and international champions. Already, nearly 100 groups in Uganda, Senegal, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and worldwide are mobilizing to Stand for Her Land.
Landesa’s Africa Region Director Margaret Rugadya spoke to Foreign Policy for a piece on land reform challenges in Uganda.
Tom Balemesa has focused his career on natural assets and development, with over …
Naome Kabanda, a land lawyer working with Uganda’s Ministry of Lands, Housing, and …
Hilda Penlope Akabwai has been a Ugandan lawyer for 14 years working on …