New video from Myanmar; Women Deliver highlights; new blog about "land fumbles"; TZ Program Director wins Bertha Fellowship
Plotlines - Landesa's monthly newsletter

New Video: Land Reform and Opportunity in Myanmar

Ma Phyu next to her nursery

MYANMAR – Since 2016, 71,000 rural families in Myanmar have received land allocations through Landesa-supported government allocations—and we’re just getting started. Watch our new video "Myanmar: Land Reform and Opportunity" about our efforts to support Myanmar's development and implementation of pro-poor and gender-responsive reforms to strengthen land rights for rural families.

Land allocations mean: more money, more stability, and better food. You can be part of the #landrights solution every month by making a recurring donation through Landesa’s monthly giving club, Gardeners for Growth. It’s easy, impactful, and flexible. Give to Landesa through our trusted partner, Global Giving.


Recap: Women Deliver 2019

Group photo of Landesa staff attending the Women Deliver conference.

VANCOUVER – We’re just getting back from Women Deliver 2019 Conference, where Landesa joined 8,000 people from more than 150 countries for the biggest gathering on women’s empowerment in the world. This was a great opportunity for Landesa to connect with existing and new allies and explore the ways that land rights empower women economically and socially, and help fulfill the conference theme of “Power. Progress. Change.”

Chris Jochnick speaking at Women Deliver 2019

Watch Landesa CEO and President Chris Jochnick speak at Women Deliver, spreading awareness about women's land rights to the 8,000+ conference attendees and thousands more watching the live stream.

New blog: The 'Land Fumble'

Illustration from 'Land Fumbles: The Hangover Effects of the Great Land Grab'

GLOBAL – In the past decade, significant international attention focused on “land grabs” in developing countries by companies and corporations eager for land to grow food and procure resources for the world’s growing population. Tens of millions of acres of land in Africa, Asia, and Latin America were acquired by international companies and investors, sometimes creating the potential for economic development, but in many cases displacing local communities and causing economic and social dislocation.

As time has passed, however, it has become clear that there is a second part of this land grab phenomenon: what amounts to a “land fumble.” In many countries, investments have failed, been abandoned or greatly delayed, or have shrunk significantly. Having been awarded vast tracts of land by governments, many companies are now returning or abandoning some or all of these vast swaths of territory.

In Myanmar, Landesa is working with the government to secure an additional 2-3 million acres of unused land for return, formalization, and allocation to the landless.


Monica Mhoja wins Bertha Fellowship

Dr. Monica Mhoja, Landesa Tanzania Program Director

TANZANIA – Dr. Monica Mhoja, Landesa's Tanzania Program Director, has been awarded a Bertha Foundation Fellowship to investigate the nexus between property, profit and politics contributing to land and housing injustice, amplify her findings, and connect with diverse stakeholders. Dr. Mhoja has extensive experience leading national and international programs on advocacy, legal and human rights awareness on land rights, and more using collaborative and human rights-based approaches. 

The Bertha Foundation supports activists, storytellers and lawyers working to bring about social and economic justice and human rights for all.


Action Center

Postcards promoting women's land rights

EXPLORE Landesa's work on women's land rights. Visit to learn more, and SHARE these digital postcards on social media.

Nemonte Nenquimo with Waorani elders. Photo by Jeronimo Zuniga, Amazon Frontlines.
Nemonte Nenquimo with Waorani elders.
Photo by Jeronimo Zuniga, Amazon Frontlines.
READ the new opinion piece by Landesa Program Manager Beth Roberts that discusses shifting power for gender equality and women's land rights
Video of Monica Mhoja speaking at the Trust Conference WATCH this video of Monica Mhoja speaking at the Trust Conference about women's land rights, and then SHARE it on Facebook or Twitter.