As a storyteller, I’m often inspired by the stories of people who find the strength and resilience to shape their own futures. That’s one reason why I’m drawn to the work of Landesa – they help equip women (and men) with the potential to lift themselves out of poverty. To move from surviving, to thriving. To build a better future for themselves and their families. Their stories – more than 700 million in just the last five years! – are a hopeful reminder of the power that resides within us all.
I hope you’ll join me in learning more about this impactful organization.
— Julia
We’re thrilled to have bestselling author Julia Quinn joining us over the next year to shed light on our mission and work to strengthen land rights for millions of people around the world.
You probably know Julia as the internationally acclaimed creator of the Bridgerton series. We’ve been fortunate to know Julia for more than 25 years as a friend, supporter, and champion of our efforts to empower millions of people with an essential tool to transform their lives – secure rights to the land on which they depend.
Julia recently sat down with our colleague, Chitra Hanstad, to discuss what’s to come with this special partnership.
If you’re new to Landesa, welcome! We’re happy to have you here. And if you’ve already been with us on this journey, we invite you to join us once more.
The best place to follow along is on social media, where you’ll hear updates from Julia, learn more about Landesa’s work, and read stories from some of the millions of women we’ve helped realize the dream of secure rights to land.
We also invite you to sign up for our e-newsletter, Plotlines, for monthly updates on our work and in-depth look at our partnership with Julia.
Julia’s books are populated with strong female characters – heroines who are fighting to claim their own futures.
That same opportunity is at the heart of Landesa’s work. For more than 40 years, Landesa has worked to equip millions of people with the opportunity to build wealth and earn a living, grow nutritious food, and to live in respect and dignity.
For women, land rights also have the potential to elevate their social standing. When a woman has rights to land, she becomes seen as equal in the eyes of her family and peers. That change in perception is transformative. She can now choose what she wants to do with her land. With the money she earns, she can invest back in herself. And she has a stronger voice in decision-making in her household and community.
Simply put, land rights offer the power for women to write their own destinies.
Ready for some stories? Here are a few examples of how land rights can help put women on a pathway to a brighter future.