Press & MediaKenya

Learn more about Our Work in Kenya.

Landesa Kenya Country Director Shadrack Omondi was quoted in an article about supporting small-scale farming systems in Kenya. He shared: “A proper land governance framework builds resilience to climate change. The land also helps to build the security of communities since when communities have clear access and ownership of land they feel safe and can invest on land.”

We are pleased to share Landesa’s 2023 Annual Report with you. At Landesa, we are honored to have assisted 720 million people in just the past five years on a path toward equitable and secure land rights. These rights lay the groundwork for women advocating for gender justice, Indigenous Peoples protecting their forests and cultures, and coastal communities mitigating and adapting to climate change. Secure land rights are an assurance for the future—offering peace of mind and the ability to use your land to shape your destiny. With strong rights to your land, you can fill in the blank with what land means to you.