Secure women’s land rights are urgently needed to fulfill human rights and ensure a more equitable and sustainable world for us all.
We measure the benefits that stronger land rights can have for small farmers, their families, and communities. Click on an infographic to explore an issue area in more detail.
Secure women’s land rights are urgently needed to fulfill human rights and ensure a more equitable and sustainable world for us all.
Secure land rights can encourage farmers to invest in climate adaptation infrastructure and sustainable land management practices that are necessary to bolster climate resilience and food security.
As climate change impacts intensify, growing rates of natural disasters cause increasing damage to the lives of people across the globe.
Women farmers make up 60% of employed women in Sub-Saharan Africa, yet fewer women than men own or have secure rights to the land they cultivate.
Secure land rights are a powerful tool in our fight against global poverty.
In more than half of all countries, laws or customs hinder women’s ownership or access to land, undermining women’s empowerment.
Legal rights to land improve the resiliency of families so they can climb out of extreme poverty.
Women’s land rights can improve income, health, education, and safety for rural women farmers.
Small farmers with secure rights to land are better environmental stewards.
Secure rights to land for women and men are central to building an equitable, sustainable, and secure world and to helping us achieve our post-2015 development goals.