This Toolkit shows how to apply a women first approach for securing women’s land rights in the customary context. This approach starts with the premise that effectively addressing women’s land tenure issues requires a nuanced understanding of women’s particular challenges, needs, opportunities, and aspirations regarding land. The Toolkit presents a step-by-step process for designing, implementing, and evaluating a project that works with women to improve their land tenure security through context-specific, responsive local engagement.
The Toolkit is made up of four components: Plan, Engage, Reflect, and Share. It provides the tools and insights needed to adapt each project’s approach to the local context, to implement it, to reflect upon the project’s effectiveness, and to share successes and lessons learned from the process. The Toolkit also contains case studies to illustrate how implementation of the approach worked in the project in Northern Uganda. You will also find Tips and Insights for each step, as well as a checklist to help guide you as you work through each section of the Toolkit.
There is also a Toolbox containing practical tools to help with implementation of each step of the process.
Download the Full Toolkit (6MB PDF)
Introduction & Overview of the Toolkit
Individual sections of the Toolkit may be downloaded separately from the links below.
Toolkit Sections:
The Toolbox is a collection of tools that accompany each step of the Toolkit. Download the tools below to guide your project through Plan, Engage, Reflect, and Share.
Job description for CBFs
CBF self-assessment
Sample SH analysis
Sample questionnaire for baseline assessment
Logic Framework
Focus Group Discussion Guide
Sample one-pager for validation with women
Example implementation plan
Quarterly review meeting agendas
Sample Assertiveness Training Curriculum
Sample drama training curriculum
Format for women’s group meeting minutes
CBF Reporting Format
Sample action points for women’s groups
Land issue tracking template
Sample list of stakeholders
Sample radio message
Format for meeting minutes
Template for women’s Journals
Women’s Needs Assessment Guide
Women’s Baseline Survey
Women’s End of Project Survey
End of Project FGD and Interview Guides
Field Recording Guidelines
Interview Consent Form
Communications Officer Job Description
Sample list of stakeholders