Emmanuel Ngomiraronka Rwanda Program Director
Born from one of the highest densely populated countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, I know how land holds so much importance: it is now the most important asset in my Country and some other Countries. Land is at the root of transformative change, for families, communities and for entire districts, provinces, regions, and countries. Experienced in working with smallholder farmers in rural areas to increase productivity and improve livelihood on small pieces of land; contributing to Landesa’s mission will enable me to join hands with others in the complex journey of progressive land reform. My long-term passion will be achieved in pro-poor and gender-equitable land rights reform and through Landesa, I will bring my inputs to the African Union Commission (AUC) Agenda 2063 “The Africa We Want”, the continent’s roadmap for transformational change. With Landesa, we will reach Aspiration 6: “An Africa where development is people-driven, unleashing the potential of women and youth”.
Dr. Emmanuel Ngomiraronka is a Rwandan agricultural expert with over 24 years of international development experience including more than ten years leading the implementation of USAID and AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa) funded projects.
He spent more than ten years managing and implementing complex agriculture and agribusiness development programs while engaging with host governments, private sector, and civil society organizations. He worked as Senior Program Coordinator for USAID funded IFDC PReFER/Privatization of Rwanda’s Fertilizer Import and Distribution System Project in Rwanda; and the Project Leader of “Improving Soil Health, Food Security and Incomes of Smallholder Farmers by Improving Fertilizer Quality and Value Chain in Rwanda Project” under the Rwanda’s Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (MINAGRI) funded by Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA). He served as Team Leader for CNFA Rwanda under AGRA/USAID funded Projects of Incentivizing Farmer Promoters in Eastern Province of Rwanda to train beneficiary farmers on good agronomic practices and Smart Nkunganire System (SNS) and Combating COVID-19 Effects by a Rapid Response Enabling Resilience and Access to Seed of Irish potato in Rwanda. He has also engaged and supported efforts under the auspices of COMESA (Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa), East African Community, the World Bank among others.
- PhD in Political Economics, Beijing University of China
- Master’s and Bachelor’s in Economics, Cheikh Anta Diop University of Senegal
Emmanuel has led and contributed to publications, including:
- Co-author, “Rwanda Transformation of Agriculture Sector Program Phase 3, Program – for – Results”, The World Bank, The Independent Evaluation Group (IEG), (Report No 177336, January 11, 2023), E. NGOMIRARONKA & IEG.
- E. NGOMIRARONKA, “Rwanda Fertilizer and Pesticide Value Chains and Regulatory Assessments”, IFC/World Bank /UNIQUE (MINAGRI Report, February 2022).
- E. NGOMIRARONKA, “Domestication and Implementation of EAC (East African Community) Pesticides Harmonized Guidelines”, EAC Country Reports (November 2021).
- E. NGOMIRARONKA, “Rwanda Agricultural Subsidy Review and Reform”, (MINAGRI Report, July 2021).
- E. NGOMIRARONKA, “Combating COVID-19 Effects by a Rapid Response Enabling Resilience, Access to Seed of Irish Potato in Rwanda”, (AGRA March 2020).
- E. NGOMIRARONKA, “Incentivizing Farmer Promoters in Eastern Province of Rwanda to train beneficiary farmers on good agronomic practices and Smart Nkunganire System (SNS)”, (AGRA September 2019).
- English
- French
- Mandarin (Chinese)
- Kinyarwanda
- policy formulation
- policy advisory
- policy advocacy
- project design
- implementation
- project management
- monitoring and evaluation
- rural development
- training and capacity building support
- macro and micro economic advisory
- agro inputs policy, regulatory and marketing
- regional policy and advocacy
- grassroots financing schemes advisory
- global policy and advocacy
- Senegal
- Mali
- Republic of Guinea (Conakry)
- Ethiopia
- Kenya
- Uganda
- Tanzania
- Burundi
- Zambia
- People’s Republic of China
- Republic of Mongolia