
A review by a staff member of Landesa (then called the Rural Development Institute) of land legislation in Novgorod Oblast (region) in Russia, which includes a short profile of agricultural land reform in the region; discusses the Constitution of the Russian Federation and other federal legal enactments that give Novgorod oblast legal authority to act in the land area; and cites issues important in the process of land reform and land market development.

Report on a conference in Bonn, Germany, whose central themes included: women’s access to productive resources such as land, capital, and training; effects of women’s access to productive resources on child nutrition and distribution of household income; the effects of male migration on rural women’s role in production; successful approaches to grassroots organization of women in rural areas; and possible national and international actions that can be taken to enhance rural women’s rights and productivity. Report drafted by conference participant attending on behalf of Landesa.