
In a framework of economy of individual property, inheritance is one of the most common ways to access and own land, property and resources. However, women’s rights to inherit land are often mediated by an overlapping web of legal, structural, socioeconomic, and cultural factors. This paper explores the legal complexities related to inheritance of agricultural land by women in India.

Past studies have shown that women’s land ownership in India can have multiplier impacts on women’s social status, reduction of violence on women, familial gender equity and increase in productivity. Inheritance is the overwhelming way land is acquired in India, but societal practices exclude women from inheriting land

In 2012, Landesa and the government of West Bengal, India, entered an innovative partnership aimed at using land to reduce risks facing rural adolescent girls, including poverty, malnutrition, lack of education, and early marriage. This paper addresses pilot project features including girls groups, peer leader methodologies, community engagement, a land rights and land-based livelihoods curriculum, and partnerships with government stakeholders.