From “Solutions Inside Out,” a short documentary from Victor Njagi and Landesa follows a young widow in Tanzania who discovers the power and potential to change her life and protect the planet – in the land beneath her feet.
From “Solutions Inside Out,” a short documentary from Victor Njagi and Landesa follows a young widow in Tanzania who discovers the power and potential to change her life and protect the planet – in the land beneath her feet.
Landesa looked into the land issues and risks of coal and renewable energy (particularly wind, solar, and geothermal) in seven countries. Check out the full report for findings and recommendations for addressing prevalent land-related issues.
Land rights for women flips the script of gendered power—it challenges patriarchy at its root, by fundamentally changing women’s economic, social, and political status. And key to climate action, research shows efforts to protect biodiversity and address climate change are more successful when women have strong land rights.
Secure land rights can empower millions to protect and restore lands, forests, and …
There is a series of strong policy, legal and social reasons to reform the NFPP so that affected farmers and communities are properly compensated.
This joint publication by USAID and the Nelson Institute features several case studies including two articles co-authored by Landesa’s land tenure specialist Darryl Vhugen and researcher Jonathan Miner, Threats to Village Land in Tanzania: Implications for REDD+ Benefit-Sharing Arrangements, and Carbon Rights in Mozambique: Harmonizing Land and Forest Laws to Conform with REDD+.
DECEMBER 2011 — The thematic issue of the Land Tenure Journal on climate …
2010 This paper by staff from Landesa (then called the Rural Development Institute) …
Despite decades of rapid economic growth in China, rural areas remain largely undeveloped. …
This study looks at the competing interests in forest land in Nepal and …