Author Archive for Nicole Tomita

About Nicole Tomita

In this three-part blog series, we asked the Women-led Collective Advocacy for Climate Action national coalition leads about their work forming and strengthening coalitions, building capacity among women-led and women-focused civil society organizations, and scaling advocacy efforts for effective emergency preparedness, climate action, and gender-equitable and socially inclusive land rights.

Civil society representatives across Asia and Africa met in Dhaka this October to talk about the growing impact of climate change on land-based rural people across Asia and Africa. They crafted the ‘Dhaka Declaration,’ which calls on governments to center rural people, including women, youth, and Indigenous Peoples, in climate change policy.

We are inspired by the possibility of strengthening women’s land rights as a way to empower women socially and economically. One such potential benefit concerns the ways in which land rights may protect women from domestic or gender-based violence – a relevant topic as the global community observes the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.