The new funding is a direct investment in Landesa’s efforts to accelerate gender equality and arrest the climate crisis.
The new funding is a direct investment in Landesa’s efforts to accelerate gender equality and arrest the climate crisis.
Nairobi, 8 March 2022— Leaders and campaigners from across the world today launched Stand for Her Land in Africa, a global advocacy campaign for women’s land rights. The launch, on International Women’s Day, will link African grassroots organizations with national actors and international champions. Already, nearly 100 groups in Uganda, Senegal, Tanzania, Ethiopia, and worldwide are mobilizing to Stand for Her Land.
Researchers for a global land rights organization have published a grim assessment of the land and inheritance rights of women living in Scheduled Tribe communities of Jharkhand, India – and how the existing eco-system of laws and cultural practices perpetuate a system of terror and brutality meant to deny women of their land rights.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Tyler Roush, tylerr@landesa.org | +1 206.257.6135 Five years into …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE For interviews, please contact Tyler Roush, tylerr@landesa.org India’s murky inheritance …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Human Rights and Climate Action – A COP25 Side Event …
Date: Sept. 27, 2019, 9 am – 5 pm ET Location: Ford Foundation …
Cocktail reception and networking opportunity with leading voices in land rights and women’s …
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 24, 2019 Contact: tylerr@landesa.org Land rights are at the …
Global campaign Stand For Her Land aims to bridge gap between law and practice so that women can realize their equal rights to land