Telangana’s historic decision extends secure land title to more than 1 million farmers
A historic decision by the government in the Indian state of Telangana will extend formal land title to more than 1 million small farmers. Last month the state government called for small farmers with unregistered land deeds to apply to have those deeds of sale officially registered. Nearly 1.2 million people applied, clearing the way for government recognition of their land rights. Through the action of the state government, these farmers will now receive patta, or legal title, to the land they have purchased.
The land deed regularization is the culmination of years of partnership between Landesa and the state government. When the state of Telangana was established in 2014, Landesa staff conducted extensive field research on the need to regularize sale deeds as a means of securing land rights, following up on an initial study conducted in 2009. Landesa also provided resources and training to the state government to support its land law review, and advocated for an extension of the application period to include thousands of additional small farmers.
With secure land rights, beneficiaries will be eligible for government entitlements and resources available to farmers.