Beth Roberts presents to the UN Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights about land as a human right. (Photo by Lucy McKernan – GIESCR)
Strong standards on land at local and national levels are often derived from and bolstered by international and regional standards that reflect broad global consensus. Landesa works to build rule of law from global to grassroots levels, including through work in the international human rights sphere.
There is a groundswell of momentum in the human rights realm related to land. Landesa has been part of this movement, providing legal and policy support to human rights treaty monitoring bodies and other United Nations actors, and advocating in concert with farmers’ organizations, indigenous peoples’ advocates, women’s rights and feminist groups. We have engaged in written and oral advocacy in numerous UN forums, including the 2019 Day of Discussion on Land with the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and support treaty-monitoring bodies review of countries where we work with legal analysis and recommendations, in collaboration with local partners.