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We are inspired by the possibility of strengthening women’s land rights as a way to empower women socially and economically. One such potential benefit concerns the ways in which land rights may protect women from domestic or gender-based violence – a relevant topic as the global community observes the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence.

In the first quarter of 2022, Landesa’s programs have strengthened land rights for over 850,000 people. Read more about the global women’s land rights campaign, a new mangrove and livelihoods protection initiative in Southeast Asia, and additional program highlights in our latest Impact Report.

Land rights for women flips the script of gendered power—it challenges patriarchy at its root, by fundamentally changing women’s economic, social, and political status. And key to climate action, research shows efforts to protect biodiversity and address climate change are more successful when women have strong land rights.