
Hilda Akabwai Penlope Associate Pastoral and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa
Hilda Penlope Akabwai has been a Ugandan lawyer for 14 years working on land justice where she has rendered services in full time employment, as a consultant and volunteer respectively. She has contributed to advocacy for women’s land rights through provision of legal aid services, designing and implementing programs, advocacy and lobby for gender responsive laws and policies, training and capacity building and research among others. Her 14 years have seen her work with FIDA Uganda, Uganda Land Alliance and Street Law Uganda. She is also an Associate of the Pastoralists and Environmental Network in the Horn of Africa (PENHA) and an Alumnus of the Women’s Land Rights Visiting Professional’s Program in collaboration with the Center for Women’s Land Rights, Landesa in Seattle, USA. She envisions a society where equality and justice reign and is passionate about land rights for women, indigent persons, ethnic minorities, and Pastoral and Agro Pastoral communities among others.